Welcome To
The World Of Driving
Maldives 1.3 1
Norway 1.5 2
Malta 1.9 3
Singapore 1.9 3
Sweden 2.1 4
Denmark 2.3 5
Iceland 2.4 6
Switzerland 2.4 6
UK and Northern Ireland 2.4 6
Andorra 2.5 7
Japan 2.7 8
Ireland 2.8 9
Germany 3.3 10
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 3.4 11
Spain 3.5 12
Brunei Darussalam 3.6 13
Cyprus 3.9 14
Luxembourg 3.9 14
Finland 4.2 15
Israel 4.2 15
Estonia 4.4 16
Australia 4.5 17
Austria 4.6 18
Belgium 4.6 18
Canada 4.7 19
France 4.7 19
Occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem 4.7 19
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4.8 20
Italy 5 21
Trinidad and Tobago 5 21
Czechia 5.2 22
Fiji 5.3 23
Cuba 5.4 24
North Macedonia 5.7 25
Slovenia 5.8 26
San Marino 5.9 27
United Arab Emirates 5.9 27
Kiribati 6.2 28
Lithuania 6.3 29
Grenada 6.4 30
Slovakia 6.4 30
Poland 6.5 31
Turkiye 6.5 31
New Zealand 6.6 32
Seychelles 6.6 32
Republic of Korea 6.9 33
Portugal 7.2 34
Greece 7.3 35
Panama 7.3 35
Qatar 7.3 35
Belarus 7.4 36
Hungary 7.4 36
Serbia 7.4 36
Antigua and Barbuda 7.5 37
Nauru 8 38
Turkmenistan 8 38
Bahrain 8.1 39
Croatia 8.1 39
Bulgaria 8.4 40
Congo 8.4 40
Tonga 8.5 41
Argentina 8.8 42
Saint Lucia 8.9 43
Montenegro 9.1 44
Republic of Moldova 9.1 44
Kuwait 9.2 45
Uzbekistan 9.3 46
Egypt 9.4 47
Mauritania 9.5 48
Romania 9.6 49
Samoa 9.6 49
Lebanon 9.7 50
Mauritius 9.7 50
Philippines 9.7 50
Latvia 9.8 51
Barbados 10 52
Chile 10.3 53
Ukraine 10.5 54
Cameroon 10.6 55
Russian Federation 10.6 55
Albania 10.8 56
Dominica 11 57
Oman 11 57
Solomon Islands 11.2 58
Indonesia 11.3 59
Sri Lanka 11.5 60
Rwanda 11.6 61
Equatorial Guinea 11.7 62
Sao Tome and Principe 11.7 62
Marshall Islands 11.9 63
Pakistan 11.9 63
Mexico 12 64
Timor-Leste 12 64
Bhutan 12.2 65
Kazakhstan 12.2 65
Burundi 12.3 66
Mongolia 12.4 67
Gabon 12.5 68
Puerto Rico 12.5 68
Venuatu 12.5 68
Guatemala 12.6 69
Georgia 12.7 70
Peru 12.7 70
Uruguay 13 71
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 13.2 72
Kyrgyzstan 13.3 73
Armenia 13.6 74
Jordan 13.6 74
Nicaragua 13.6 74
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13.7 75
Sierra Leone 13.8 76
Malaysia 13.9 77
Tajikistan 13.9 77
Micronesia (Federated States of) 14.1 78
United States of America 14.2 79
India 14.6 80
Papua New Guinea 14.9 81
Angola 15 82
Guyana 15.2 83
Liberia 15.3 84
Costa Rica 15.5 85
Brazil 15.7 86
United Republic of Tanzania 15.8 87
Uganda 16 88
Bahamas 16.2 89
Colombia 16.2 89
Suriname 16.2 89
Democratic Republic of the Congo 16.3 90
Tunisia 16.3 90
Lao People's Democratic Republic 16.4 91
Botswana 16.5 92
Cabo Verde 16.5 92
Zambia 17.1 93
Azerbaijan 17.2 94
Nigeria 17.2 94
China 17.4 95
Belize 17.5 96
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 17.6 97
Cook Islands 17.6 97
Eritrea 17.7 98
Ethiopia 17.7 98
Viet Nam 17.7 98
Jamaica 17.8 99
Tuvalu 17.9 100
Algeria 18.3 101
Honduras 18.5 102
Saudi Arabia 18.5 102
Bangladesh 18.6 103
Morocco 18.6 103
Cambodia 18.8 104
Myanmar 19.3 105
Sudan 19.6 106
Mozambique 20.1 107
Malawi 20.2 108
Mali 20.2 108
Somalia 20.2 108
Cote d'lvoire 20.6 109
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 20.6 109
Senegal 20.8 110
Paraguay 21 111
El Salvador 21.5 112
Iraq 21.5 112
Lesotho 21.6 113
Gambia 22 114
Nambia 22 114
Palau 22.2 115
Madagascar 22.5 116
Togo 22.7 117
Saint Kitts and Nevis 23.1 118
Djibouti 23.3 119
South Sudan 23.3 119
Ecuador 23.4 120
Afghanistan 24.1 121
South Africa 24.5 122
Eswatini 24.7 123
Benin 24.8 124
Niger 24.9 125
Thailand 25.4 126
Cental African Republic 25.9 127
Ghana 25.9 127
Chad 26.4 128
Dominican Republic 27.4 129
Burkina Faso 27.8 130
Kenya 28.2 131
Nepal 28.2 131
Camoros 29 132
Yemen 29.8 133
Syrian Arab Republic 29.9 134
Zimbabwe 29.9 134
Guinea-Bissau 30.5 135
Haiti 31.3 136
Liby 34 137
Guinea 37.4 138
Alphabetical order
Afghanistan 24.1 121
Albania 10.8 56
Algeria 18.3 101
Andorra 2.5 7
Angola 15 82
Antigua and Barbuda 7.5 37
Argentina 8.8 42
Armenia 13.6 74
Australia 4.5 17
Austria 4.6 18
Azerbaijan 17.2 94
Bahamas 16.2 89
Bahrain 8.1 39
Bangladesh 18.6 103
Barbados 10 52
Belarus 7.4 36
Belgium 4.6 18
Belize 17.5 96
Benin 24.8 124
Bhutan 12.2 65
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 17.6 97
Bosnia and Herzegovina 13.7 75
Botswana 16.5 92
Brazil 15.7 86
Brunei Darussalam 3.6 13
Bulgaria 8.4 40
Burkina Faso 27.8 130
Burundi 12.3 66
Cabo Verde 16.5 92
Cambodia 18.8 104
Cameroon 10.6 55
Camoros 29 132
Canada 4.7 19
Cental African Republic 25.9 127
Chad 26.4 128
Chile 10.3 53
China 17.4 95
Colombia 16.2 89
Congo 8.4 40
Cook Islands 17.6 97
Costa Rica 15.5 85
Cote d'lvoire 20.6 109
Croatia 8.1 39
Cuba 5.4 24
Cyprus 3.9 14
Czechia 5.2 22
Democratic Republic of the Congo 16.3 90
Denmark 2.3 5
Djibouti 23.3 119
Dominica 11 57
Dominican Republic 27.4 129
Ecuador 23.4 120
Egypt 9.4 47
El Salvador 21.5 112
Equatorial Guinea 11.7 62
Eritrea 17.7 98
Estonia 4.4 16
Eswatini 24.7 123
Ethiopia 17.7 98
Fiji 5.3 23
Finland 4.2 15
France 12.5 68
Gambia 22 114
Georgia 12.7 70
Germany 3.3 10
Ghana 25.9 127
Greece 7.3 35
Grenada 6.4 30
Guatemala 12.6 69
Guinea 37.4 138
Guinea-Bissau 30.5 135
Guyana 15.2 83
Haiti 31.3 136
Honduras 18.5 102
Hungary 7.4 36
Iceland 2.4 6
India 14.6 80
Indonesia 11.3 59
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 20.6 109
Iraq 21.5 112
Ireland 2.8 9
Israel 4.2 15
Italy 5 21
Jamaica 17.8 99
Japan 2.7 8
Jordan 13.6 74
Kazakhstan 12.2 65
Kenya 28.2 131
Kiribati 6.2 28
Kuwait 9.2 45
Kyrgyzstan 13.3 73
Lao People's Democratic Republic 16.4 91
Latvia 9.8 51
Lebanon 9.7 50
Lesotho 21.6 113
Liberia 15.3 84
Liby 34 137
Lithuania 6.3 29
Luxembourg 3.9 14
Madagascar 22.5 116
Malawi 20.2 108
Malaysia 13.9 77
Maldives 1.3 1
Mali 20.2 108
Malta 1.9 3
Marshall Islands 11.9 63
Mauritania 9.5 48
Mauritius 9.7 50
Mexico 12 64
Micronesia (Federated States of) 14.1 78
Mongolia 12.4 67
Montenegro 9.1 44
Morocco 18.6 103
Mozambique 20.1 107
Myanmar 19.3 105
Nambia 22 114
Nauru 8 38
Nepal 28.2 131
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 3.4 11
New Zealand 6.6 32
Nicaragua 13.6 74
Niger 24.9 125
Nigeria 17.2 94
North Macedonia 5.7 25
Norway 1.5 2
Occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem 4.7 19
Oman 11 57
Pakistan 11.9 63
Palau 22.2 115
Panama 7.3 35
Papua New Guinea 14.9 81
Paraguay 21 111
Peru 12.7 70
Philippines 9.7 50
Poland 6.5 31
Portugal 7.2 34
Puerto Rico 12.5 68
Qatar 7.3 35
Republic of Korea 6.9 33
Republic of Moldova 9.1 44
Romania 9.6 49
Russian Federation 10.6 55
Rwanda 11.6 61
Saint Kitts and Nevis 23.1 118
Saint Lucia 8.9 43
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4.8 20
Samoa 9.6 49
San Marino 5.9 27
Sao Tome and Principe 11.7 62
Saudi Arabia 18.5 102
Senegal 20.8 110
Serbia 7.4 36
Seychelles 6.6 32
Sierra Leone 13.8 76
Singapore 1.9 3
Slovakia 6.4 30
Slovenia 5.8 26
Solomon Islands 11.2 58
Somalia 20.2 108
South Africa 24.5 122
South Sudan 23.3 119
Spain 3.5 12
Sri Lanka 11.5 60
Sudan 19.6 106
Suriname 16.2 89
Sweden 2.1 4
Switzerland 2.4 6
Syrian Arab Republic 29.9 134
Tajikistan 13.9 77
Thailand 25.4 126
Timor-Leste 12 64
Togo 22.7 117
Tonga 8.5 41
Trinidad and Tobago 5 21
Tunisia 16.3 90
Turkiye 6.5 31
Turkmenistan 8 38
Tuvalu 17.9 100
Uganda 16 88
Ukraine 10.5 54
United Arab Emirates 5.9 27
United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 2.4 6
United Republic of Tanzania 15.8 87
United States of America 14.2 79
Uruguay 13 71
Uzbekistan 9.3 46
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 13.2 72
Venuatu 12.5 68
Viet Nam 17.7 98
Yemen 29.8 133
Zambia 17.1 93
Zimbabwe 29.9 134
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